First Draft News
Your guide to navigating the digital information ecosystem

First Draft is dedicated to improving skills and standards in the reporting and sharing of information that emerges online, including eyewitness media and fake stories. In September 2016, we expanded our coalition and launched a partner network to help inform and scale our work, and to champion the importance of collaboration.

The network is the first of its kind to bring together the biggest social platforms with global newsrooms and other industry projects and associations. Partners work together to tackle common issues, including ways to streamline the verification process, improve the experience of eyewitnesses and increase news literacy amongst social media users.

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The partner network is open to all news and technology organisations that share an interest in these common issues. Initiatives planned for the coming months include a train the trainer programme, the launch of a collaborative verification platform, and the creation of a voluntary code of verification practice.

If your organisation is interested in joining the partner network, please submit this form or email

Partners are invited to display this digital badge, so look out for:
